Thursday, October 15, 2009

making progress

November 15, 2009

Two nights ago I attended Timothy Adam's webminar on line. This young man is a genius in marketing and very successful at Etsy, so now he tries to help other Etsy sellers to be as successful as he is. Some time ago I signed up for his 5 day seminar on the same topic but now his webminar is more detailed and his encouragment is priceless.

Based on his first seminar and his advice I signed for Facebook and Blogger. The success of these two is questionable in my mind, but I keep at it. The other night he gave information on how to use the Twitter and how to get "followers" which was the main reason I had not signed up for it yet. So now I have another thing to tackle. Hopefully, after a while I will have enough followers to make a difference in my shop

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