Saturday, January 30, 2010

A Heart with a Heart

January 30, 2010

As Valentine's Day approaches, it occurred to me that I don't have anything to commemorate Love, Lovers etc. Since I learned to do bead embroidery from Sheri Serafini a few months ago, heart pin/brooches are an easy and quick project to make. I found a mother-of-pearl heart which I put askew from the outside heart and started beading around. I used cranberry red beads, which I like better than bright red beads, so you can wear for Valentine's or any time of the year.

I love the "LOVE" theme, so universal, so important in our lives and as John Lennon said: "what we need is love" and "give love a chance"

Hope you like it

1 comment:

  1. I love this piece Perie. It is precious.
