Sunday, September 13, 2009

Check my blog

September 13, 2009

This morning I checked out the etsy Beadweavers site to vote for the latest challenge and I learned that I have a blog through that site as well. How I have done all this is beyond me. I am surprised that my computer has not crashed while trying to do all these things I know nothing about -Etsy, Facebook, blog. I keep pushing buttons hoping they are the ones I need to push not knowing half the time what the heck I am doing. So far, so good. Don't have any followers which means nobody reads my blogs, but sooner or later I will figure out how to get my blog on facebook and my blog on etsy beadweavers and that is before I can Tweet.......

I wrote on my Facebook page, just under my photo that " I graduated High School from the Ionian Boys' Academy in Athens, Greece" a fact which is true and so far not one person has made a comment or asked a question when it is very obvious from my picture that I am female.

They say that if you want to be successful selling on the internet, you have to get yourself "out there" , yes but what if no one knows you are "out there"?

Oh well..... maybe tomorrow I will learn something new


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